September 16, 2014

Swoozies Giveaway!

Hooray for a giveaway!

I haven't done one of these in SO long, but this one my friends, is well worth the wait. My lovely blogger friend Rebecca and I teamed up with Swoozies to get you all ready for fall! Cause it's officially fall, y'all. Not really, technically the first day of fall isn't until September 23rd, but just go with it.

Swoozies has adorable goodies and if you haven't checked out their site yet, pause right here and go check it out now. They have everything from Lilly Pulitizer agendas, to Kate Spade pens, to monogrammed wine glasses. You'll love it, I promise. Anyway, on to what the giveaway has to offer!

Freshen Up For Fall Giveaway 

3 winners will receive any item of their choice from the Swoozies website

 (up to a $50 value) 

Enter Below! 


Also, if you're in the mood for a little online shopping spree, you can use the code SwooFallFun25 to receive 25% off any Swoozies order! Ummm, how amazing is that?! I already have my eye on this Kate Spade notebook, this Kate Spade agenda, and these Kate Spade pencils! What can I say, I love me some Kate Spade. The giveaway and discount code will run until September 26th and all three winners will be contacted via e-mail! 

Also, be sure and check out all of the other lovely bloggers participating: 

Good luck!  
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September 14, 2014

Random Things

I wanted to call this post, "random things to do/watch this week if you're like me and want to avoid the world by staying in bed and doing nothing." However, it was oddly specific and made me seem a little pathetic, so I settled on "Random Things" instead. Because everything I've included is a thing and it's random, therefore it seemed appropriate. Anyway, since I've been absent from the blogoshpere for a little while, I've uncovered some things that I felt must be shared. If you've seen/heard of any of these things (and I'm sure you have) just act surprised.

1. House of Cue Cards 

In a word: brilliant. The attention to detail is flawless and no one can really do impressions quite like Jimmy Fallon. There are a few moments I couldn't done without (like the random Orange Is The New Black moment...I don't get that show) but overall it's amazing.

2. Yale Lectures 

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned these lecture series' before, but I wanted to highlight them again. Yale (yes, the university) does these amazing 'open courses' that are available for anyone online. You can download them on iTunes and have an ivy league education in the comfort of your own room. Kidding, Yale won't actually give you a degree, but they do have some pretty cool courses and everything is totally free to download. My favorite is the class by Dr. Shelly Kagan called 'Death'. It really makes me want to run to the advising office and sign up for as many philosophy classes as I can.

3. NYC Ballet 

Confession time: I'm obsessed with the New York City Ballet. I would've loved to see a performance while I was there, but it just never worked out. Next time! Anyway, they have a YouTube channel, and I could probably waste an entire day (JK--I have wasted an entire day) watching the performances and BTS clips. I took ballet as a kid, but never anything serious, and this really makes me wish I would've stuck with it. It also makes me wish I wasn't so tall and awkward so I could actually be a ballerina but that's neither here nor there. Check out the channel!

4. USA Today 

Here's a little shameless self promo: I wrote my first article for USA Today College! It's all about how to get experience before getting experience. What exactly does that mean? Well, as college students, we face serious competition against ourselves. Meaning, most internship programs nowadays have hundreds, if not thousands, of applicants. To even have a shot at landing a spot, you'll have to have a seriously beefed up resume. So check out my article for tips!

5. Vogue's 73 Things 

These Vogue videos are everything. I really love watching interviews to begin with (anyone else this way too?!) and 73 questions is basically my dream. They have ones with Sarah Jessica Parker, Blake Lively, Daniel Radcliffe, Olivia Munn...and maybe some others. But they just released one with Anna Wintour that is by far my favorite. She's such a BO$$. 

6. Pinterest 

I know, I know, Pinterest is nothing new. But hear me out: I've been going crazy on my boards lately. I have serious ADD when it comes to Pinterest. I'll be obsessed with it for a few weeks, literally pinning everything I see for hours and hours a day. Then, almost without warning, I'll be completely over it and never pin anything for months and months. I'm not sure how/why this happens, but alas, it does. The same thing goes for Tumblr. Right now I'm going through a wave of obsession though, so you could definitely check out my account.

What gems of the internet have you discovered lately?

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September 12, 2014

Life Lately

Yes, I'm still alive. 

How many times have I claimed to be back in the last, say, 6 weeks? Probably too many to even count. But I can explain. I have a disease where I agree to do way too many things at once and then have a panic attack when life gets uncontrollably busy. I'm sure most of you can relate to this.  Yes, I am aware that this is a self-inflicted problem that I could easily fix by saying 'no' more often, but I am what I am and I don't think this will change anytime soon. I also might be having an existential crisis because it finally hit me that I'm graduating from college in less than a year, but that will be addressed later in this post.

Despite all of this drama, I have really missed blogging. That, and it makes me really sad when the only people commenting on my posts are anonymous spam bots trying to sell me Brazilian diet pills.  

The only problem is, since my life is basically wake up, work, sleep, repeat, I really don't have anything interesting to blog about. So what to do when I don't know what else to blog about? I find a bunch of random GIFs that make me laugh, obviously.  Without further rambing, let's GIF it up for the current state of my life:

How I always feel at the start of a new semester 
(until I realize it's a new semester) 

Side note: I've been spending all of my free time binge-watching The Office on Netflix and I highly recommend you do the same.

How I'll feel at graduation:

Did I mention graduation is less than a year away?

When I try to get out of my apartment:

Yeah, that whole 'going out' thing doesn't happen very often.

When my Instagram photo gets more than 20 likes:

#ThrowbackThursday to when I was obsessed with America's Next Top Model. Oh Jade, how I admire your confidence.

When I go to football games and attempt to be spirited:

That awkward moment when you realize that you and Bill O'Reilly have something in common. Considering it's my last football season as a Gator, I should try a littler harder. 

When people ask me what I'm going to do after college:

If I had $1 for every time I was asked this question, I wouldn't even have to worry about getting a job. 

When I try and participate in class discussions:

This has actually happened to me and I'd rather not talk about it. It's scary how many things me and Phil from Modern Family have in common.

When I order at Starbucks:

If "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" wasn't already taken, it would be the title of my autobiography.

When someone says the word "job":

I'm sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you over my extreme levels of sass. 

When I try to create a distraction in class to avoid doing actual work:

This one is pretty random but I really wanted to include it. 

When my overachieving classmates tell me their elaborate post-grad plans:


So how crazy-busy is your life right now? Please tell me so we can all wallow in self-pity together. Also, stay tuned because great things are coming! Really, I'm not making this up. I know I've said that before and nothing happened but I mean it this time. I'm talking about an amazing giveaway and a complete redesign/rebranding and probably lots more GIFs. Yep, fun stuff!

Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!

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