July 20, 2014

My Latest Obession

I'm 100% guilty of binge-watching shows on Netflix. Aren't we all? I feel like this is becoming the new all-American pastime. Not only am I obsessed with it, I actually can't watch regular TV series anymore. I would much rather wait and just watch the whole season at once. Probably because I'm all about instant gratification, and the thought of waiting 6 whole days to find out what happens next irritates me to the core. Oh, and when they skip a week (or two) to really draw out the suspense--forget it!

So now, I have a massive list of shows I want to start. Right now, I'm working my way through House of Cards and I'm already obsessed with it! It's super intense, and I think it belongs on HBO more so than Netflix. But either way, here's my question: what show are you obsessed with at the moment? I'm lining up my next series to binge on but I can't decide!

Orange Is The New Black? 

Breaking Bad? 

The Office? 

Sell me on your favorite series in the comments! 

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July 19, 2014

Links I Hate

A lot of bloggers do posts called "on my radar" or "list of links" or "things I love" or something of that nature. Let's be clear here: I LOVE those posts. I'm unnaturally obsessed with them. I've wasted countless hours watching videos of cats learning to play the piano (or various activities) because other bloggers told me to.

So why would I title my post "Links I Hate"? Because it's a joke silly! I'm just trying to be funny here, people. Irony is the spice of life. Therefore, I actually love every single one of these links. I mean they're all about random YouTube videos, ice cream, and shopping so what's not to love?! Anyway, enough of this, let's just get to these links (that I do actually love):

1. Weird Al's 'Word Crimes'

We all know the song 'Blurred Lines' right? If not, you probably spent most of 2013 hiding under a rock. I really don't like the original song (or it's message) but Weird Al's spoof of it is just perfect. The one he did of Lorde's 'Royals' (called 'Foil') is also hilarious, so you should watch that too.

 Brilliant...so brilliant!

2. These sundaes from Pinterest 

 Ok, excuse me while I run to the store and grab the ingredients for this sundae. I mean a caramel corn sundae?! You win this round, once again, Pinterest. I found this recipe while I was pinning away on my new project (stay tuned!) and I've been dying to try it. Besides this recipe, I've been trying to get into Pinterest more and more recently. It's an awesome driver of traffic for bloggers, but I definitely haven't been using it as effectively as I could be.

3. Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Again, if you don't know the Nordstrom anniversary sale is going on right now, where have you been hiding? Sadly, I won't be doing any shopping in it this year but please go spend some money on my behalf!

Side note: if anyone wants to buy me this Rebecca Minkoff bag I wouldn't say no. 

That was a pretty pathetic list of links, but honestly, I've been pretty disconnected from the internet (and just the word in general) lately. I think it might have something to do with this internship that I'm doing...not sure if I've ever mentioned that on here before (JK, I've beaten that topic to death, I know).

Anyway, my time in NYC is coming to a close and I'm having mixed emotions about it. On one hand, I can't wait to get home and get the fall semester started but...I don't want to leave the city! On the bright side, I'll finally have time to blog more consistently. I'm also working on a massive project that will be launching in the next couple weeks. I mentioned it earlier in the post but I'm SO excited about it. Let's just say I'm going to be flexing my culinary muscles a bit more, so I hope you're hungry! 

Have a fabulous week!

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July 17, 2014

I am

Before we get started, I need to say that this post was 100% inspired by the lovely Erica from Coming Up Roses. Please run, do not walk, over to her blog and give her some love. Honestly, that girl never fails to inspire me and I can always hardcore relate to everything she writes. We're basically the same person, she's just the smarter, more put together version of me. So go check out her post!

I am.

Those three letters make up the shortest complete sentence in the English language. It's true, you can even look it up. While the sentence is short, those three letters carry a heck of a lot of meaning.

What am I?

This summer, I've been thinking a lot about what I am and what I want to be. To be honest, discovering what 'I am' has been a long and difficult road. Mostly because I'm extremely guilty of letting others define what I am. My own self-worth relied entirely on the opinions of others. There was actually a point in the not-so-distant past where Seventeen magazine dictated my every thought and action.

It's exhausting though, and it's really no way to live. These past few weeks, I decided to make it my mission to focus on myself and work on becoming the very best version of myself I could be. After hours of strolling through central park, listening to Coldplay, and sorting through my self-reflective thoughts, I think I've finally pinpointed exactly what 'I am'. So here it is:

I am


An 'old soul' 



5'10" and learning how to rock being the tallest girl in the room 

Still pretty unsure what I want to do with my life, but 100% sure that I'm OK with that. 

A girl who would so much rather stay in watching Netflix on a Friday night (House of Cards, anyone?) 

Able to eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's in one sitting and feel no remorse 

Capable of handing ten different projects at once. Basically, an expert multi-tasker 

Crazy about The Kardashians, The Bachelorette and other 'trashy' TV shows

A lot smarter than I give myself credit for 

Currently jamming out to Kanye and eating watermelon sour patch kids 

My own worst critic 

Obsessed with iced tea from Starbucks 

Often way too nice to people who really don't deserve it

Nervous about the future...and just a nervous person in general 

A pretty kick-ass chef 

Confident enough to rock a makeup-free face and my naturally curly hair 

Committed to getting in the best shape of my life via Blogilates 

Feeling crazy inspired by everything around me

Working on a massive new blogging project (stay tuned for this one!) 

Determined to make my dreams come true



Now that I've shared what I am, what are you?

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July 9, 2014

My Birthday Wishlist

It's true what they say: the older you get, the more birthdays creep up on you. Now, I'm not old by anyone's standards, but I used to get massively excited for my birthday and now I can't believe it's already only 4 days away. The one thing I do still love about my birthday is an excuse to pamper myself and not feel guilty about it! I have a "treat yo self" day planned on Friday (hello, Dry Bar!) and then a weekend trip to D.C., so I'm sure that lots of shopping will ensue. By the way, my actual birthday is monday the 14th! I just realized I hadn't mentionted that yet.

Speaking of a "treat yo self" day...

Anyway, one thing I still love to do is shop and make birthday wishlists. The big present I got this year was a summer in NYC, and I couldn't really ask for more than that but... it's still fun to daydream, right?! So here's what's on my dream birthday wishlist this year:

White Converse // J. Crew Sunglasses // Tory Burch Bag // Frends Headphones // Kate Spade Watch // Bauble Bar Necklace // Chloe Roses Perfume // Diptyque Candle

What have you been wishing for lately? Tell me in the comments!

Hope you all have a fabulous week!

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July 7, 2014

Even more photos of NYC

Are you sick of hearing about my summer in NYC yet? If so, you should probably stop reading this and not come back to my blog...probably ever. I'm having a love affair with the city and I'm not going to apologize for it. Ok, that's enough sass from me, let's get to some photos!

 I've been lucky enough to have glorious weekends in the city. Seriously, I couldn't have asked for nicer weather.

 I've walked past the library probably a thousand times and I'm dying to actually go inside. It's at the top of my to-do list before I leave!

The best way to spend a glorious Sunday afternoon is with a glorious picnic in Central Park. Seriously if (when) I live in NYC you can find me here basically every weekend. 

 So, in my last post I claimed that Magnolia Bakery had the best cupcakes in the city. While theirs are definitely delicious, I think Georgetown Cupcake takes the cake (see what I did there?). Do yourself a flavor (ok, I'll stop) and try the salted caramel or the key lime. SO GOOD!

This past Sunday, I did something pretty adventerous. I rode the Subway all the way up to Columbia University (which is super gorgeous, as you can see in the picture) and then walked...all the way back to my apartment. It's about a 110 block walk, in case you were wondering, or about 8 miles. But guys, it was SO worth it! I got to see so much of the city. Aimlessly wandering in NYC is just one of the greatest things ever.

So that's it for this update! Fear not (or do fear), I'll be back with plenty more photos later! In the meantime though, I will actually be posting beauty/fashion realted things super soon. I know I've really been slacking on the blogging but I promise (yet again) that great content is coming your way--stay tuned!

What have you been up to this week?

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July 2, 2014

hey, it's ok!

I have a theory that it's actually impossible to maintain a blog and a full-time job. Throw in the fact that it's summer and you've got a recipe for disaster. The good news: I miss blogging. I really, really miss blogging. Therefore I think I might actually have an ounce of motivation to post more often. I worked hard to get my blog to this point and I'll be damned if I let it fall apart now! Anyway, my rant = over and now let's get on to the point of this post.

I'm pretty critical of myself. That's something I've really been struggling with in the past few weeks. Adjusting to a new place can make it seem like everything is going wrong all the time, so it's extra important to take a step back and just chill out. I saw recently that Carly (a.k.a The College Prepster) did a spin-off of one of my favorite articles Glamour magazine does: Hey! It's ok!

I love articles that I can hardcore relate to, especially when they're in beauty magazines. Let's be honest, most of the stuff in Glamour magazine is pretty unobtainable for me. This series however, really speaks to my soul. Since I know we can all use a little pep talk once in a while, allow me to highlight some of my not-so-fine moments in the past few days. Hopefully this will make you feel better about your life, because that's really my goal here. Just promise me one thing: no judgements!

... to rock a topnot and a 'no make-up' make-up look every day because you're too darn exhausted to do anything else

... to spend $20 on takeout lunch because you're tired, and starving, and sweaty, and your feet hurt, and you're just so OVER IT (#dontevencare)

... to lock yourself out of your apartment (twice...in the same day)

... to stay in on Friday night eating Oreos and watching random YouTube videos 

... to go buy new, clean underwear because you ain't about that laundry life

... to base your order at a restaurant strictly on how good it will look in an Instagram photo

... to jam out to old school Britney and Christina on the way to work

... to rock a Freida Kahlo vibe because getting your eyebrows done is really expensive

... to have a little bit (ok, a lot) of sidewalk rage

... to blow off all your work and just go shopping (retail therapy, anyone?)

... to skip the gym and just drink a green juice (it's actually the same thing)

... to 'accidentally' hit the door close button the elevator instead of door open (I'm actually a terrible person)

... to buy a J. Crew blazer and then fall asleep at work the next day because you can't afford coffee (#priorities)

... to not watch a single game in the World Cup. You'll catch it next year, right? Oh wait...

... to just lock yourself in the bathroom and cry it all out (been there, done that)

But hey, it's not ok to constantly chew yourself out over the little things. This, my friends, is something I've learned this summer. Build yourself a bridge and get over it. I'm pretty inspiring, aren't I? All jokes aside, be prepared to see a lot more from me! I'm officially back on the blogging bandwagon and things are about to get cray. 

Hope you all have a fabulous holiday weekend!

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