May 14, 2014

Community's Greatest Hits

Sad news came to me this past week: one of my favorite shows, Community, is being cancelled! Honestly, I love the show, but I can't say that I'm surprised. It's been a rough road for us community fans but if you've stuck with the show from the beginning, you know how hilarious/awesome it truly is.

I was pretty upset about it being cancelled and a lot of my friends asked me "Why do you care? I never really got that show." I think that's exactly the problem. The show was kind of an acquired taste and you had to have a pretty specific sense of humor to really get into it. I'm a huge fan of Joel McHale (watch The Soup people!) so I get his style and comedy.

I felt like the best way to explain why I love the show was to show you why it's so funny! Also, it's a great sort-of eulogy to one of my favorite shows. Seriously people, it didn't run for that long, but I feel like I grew up with this show! I started watching it my freshman year of high school, so the fact that it's cancelled kind of freaks me out! Nostalgia aside, let's get to all the hilarious moments!

My top 5 'Community' moments (in no particular order):

1. Troy and Abed in the morning: 

2. Spanish rap 

3. Senor Chang just being himself 

4. Paintball 

5.  Dean Pelton's Rap 

Obviously, only including 5 moments in this list was extremely difficult, but I didn't want to make this post crazy long. I could make a list of about 100 Community moments that I loved, but these 5 really stand out in my mind!

Do you watch/love Community? What are some of your favorite moments? Discuss with me in the comments!

xo Sydney


  1. #sixseasonsandamovie. RIP Community! x

    Megan /

  2. Just started reading your blog and I love it- I follow you on bloglovin', pinterest and twitter (oshirodesign) (: I just got into Community, I'm halfway through season 1 on Netflix and I love it! It actually comes as a surprise because I'm usually not into these types of shows (I could'nt sit through The Office) but I love this. Also, I find that the spanish rap gets stuck in my head randomly... it's my absolute favorite! Thanks for doing this post!!

  3. Aw. this sucks. I just recently started watching Community and I love it. I still need to start it from the beginning.
